The first thing to consider before buying a segway is safety. To avoid a fire risk, make sure that it has a relevant certification. The device should meet the UL standard, which assesses the safety of such vehicles and their charger systems. Another thing you should take into consideration is how reliable the construction of the device is. The frame should be made from robust material while the wheels should be large enough and durable. HOVERBOARD WORLD® is the best place to buy a Segway as all our hoverboard meet the applicable safety standards (AUS) and are all certified and tested before selling.
Who Would Benefit the Most from a Segway?
No matter who you are, there are many reasons to ride a segway. Though they can seem bulkier than traditional longboards or new-fangled electric skateboards, segways provide a fantastic way to get you from one destination to another. Since it’s designed to keep you balanced on your center of gravity, segways are considered much safer than other transportation methods. Featuring speed limiting technology, segways are recommended for amateurs, youth, and advanced age folks who want to increase their sense of geographic independence. Even if you’re an experienced sportsman, segways are exceedingly lightweight, which makes them convenient for motoring to class, work, or zooming around beach walkways.
How Do Segways Work?
Unlike skateboards, segways are constructed with two sturdy wheels with a riding surface that remains balanced on any terrain. To move forward or backward, the rider simply needs to pivot their body weight. In order to maintain your balance constantly, the segway is crafted from over a thousand microprocessors that examine tilt and rotation. As you shift forward, the wheels will rotate at the right speed in order to maintain your upright orientation.