If your hoverboard does not turn on at all and does not charge, that means there could be a few things wrong. Let’s see where the problem is coming from.
Here is what you can do to find out which part is bad:
–Connect your hoverboard charger to the wall and make sure you get the green indicator on the charger box before you connect it to the hoverboard. Now connect your charger to the hoverboard.
1. If the green indicator on the charger box disappears, then your internal circuits are bad and need to be replaced. The best thing to do is to unscrew and remove the bottom of the housing and email us a picture of the insides to sales@hoverboardworld.com.au
2. If the green indicator light on the charger box stays green, turn the hoverboard on while the charger is still connected. If the hoverboard turns on and you get a flashing orange battery indicator on the hoverboard, your battery is bad and needs to be replaced. You can either ship it to us for repair. You can also search for Samsung battery on Google and buy one and easily replace it yourself.
3. If the green indicator light on the charger box stays green, turn the hoverboard on while the charger is still connected. If the hoverboard does not turns on, that could mean the charging port is damaged or disconnected. You can unscrew and remove the bottom of the hoverboard and inspect the charging port wires for faults and make sure it is plugged in properly. If the charging port is faulty or missing cables, you can purchase them and replace it. If a new charging port does not fix your problem, then you would need one of our repair kits. Visit Hoverboard World or Email us a picture of the insides to sales@hoverboardworld.com.au